Recommended Reading

This list will find itself modified from time to time in order to reflect both new readings that I find personally significant or to revisit old ones that I'd not necessarily considered significant before. The list is not comprehensive and does not include every book that I've read. In fact, it includes a few pieces taken from web-based articles and audio CD's marketed as accompaniment to printed books. Given the lack of space and flexibility in formatting this list, I can only give you the name and author of each book, but I did divide the list by genre prior to pasting it in here. These books - to a greater or lesser degree - have all held a personal significance for me. I hope you enjoy and learn from them as much as I have.



Ferguson, Craig

Fitch, Noel Riley

Frankl, Victor

Hodes, Aubrey

Jung, Carl & Jaffe, Aniela

McChrystal, Stanley

McCullough, David

Schweitzer, Albert

Weihenmayer, Erik

Weisel, Elie

Wood, Gordon

Buber, Martin (edited by Nahum N. Glatzer)

Frankl, Victor

Buber, Martin

Fehmi, Lee

Suzuki, Shunryu

Trungpa, Chogyam

Trungpa, Chogyam

Trungpa, Chogyam

Watts, Alan

Watts, Alan

Young, Shinzen

Burton, Robert

Damasio, Antonio

Hawkins, Jeff & Blakeslee, Sandra

Linden, David J.

Boorstin, Daniel

Easterbrook, Greg

Emerson, Ralph Waldo

Hitchens, Christopher

Jacoby, Susan

Schlosser, Eric

Schlosser, Eric

Piburn, Sidney, D.

Wiker, Benjamin

HH the Dalai Lama

Weiner, Tim

Gladwell, Malcolm

Coulter, Ann

Coulter, Ann

Dean, John W.

Frank, Thomas

Franken, Al

Goldwater, Barry & Dean, John W.

Isikoff, Michael & Corn, David

Maddow, Rachel

Niebuhr, Reinhold

HH the Dalai Lama & Chan, Victor

Sharlet, Jeff

HH the Dalai Lama

Ehrenreich, Barbara

Freidman, Thomas

Freidman, Thomas

Johnson, Simon & Kwak, James

Lewis, Michael

Smith, Adam

Pollan, Michael

Baldwin, James

Caldwell, Taylor

Dostoevsky, Fyodor M.

Eugenides, Jeffrey

Hesse, Herman

Hogg, James

Huxley, Aldous & Isherwood, Christopher

Irving, John

Irving, John

Joyce, James

Maugham, W. Somerset

Maugham, W. Somerset

Maugham, W. Somerset

Maupin, Armistead

Moody, Rick

Roth, Philip

Snow, C.P.

Solzhenitzyn, Alexander

Stein, Gary

Straub, Peter

Tyler, Anne

Weisel, Elie

Wells, H.G.

Ygesias, Rafael

Johnson, Denis

Lewis, Sinclair

Weisel, Elie

Larson, Steig

Davis, Kenneth C.

Sedaris, David

Wright, Robert

Mlodinow, Leonard

Taleb, Nassim

Moalem, Sharon

Thurstrom, Melanie

Campbell, Joseph

Campbell, Joseph & Moyers, Bill

Goble, Lou



Krapp, George P., et al (translators)

O'Grady, Stanley

Unknown (read by Peter Coyote)

Unknown (translated by Burton Raffel

Unknown (translated by Hermann Palsson)

Blakeslee, Sandra

Brickhouse, Thomas C.

Buber, Martin

Buber, Martin

de Botton, Alain

de Botton, Alain

Descartes, Rene

Feynman, Richard

Feynman, Richard

Gottlieb, Anthony


Montaingne, Michel de

Short, Russel

Card, Claudia

Meyer, Marvin

Smith, Adam

Wilson, James Q.

Wilber, Ken

Damasio, Antonio

Langland, William (translated by E. Talbot Donaldson)

Sandars, N.K. (translator)

Altemeyer, Bob

Hare, Robert

Grossman, Lt. Col. Dave

Grossman, Lt. Col. Dave

Baron Cohen, Simon

Solomon, Andrew

Stout, Marth

Yalom, Irving

Ariely, Dan

Barbia, Paul & Hare, Robert

Braff, Ori & Ron

Cialdini, Robert

de Becker, Gavin

Ekman, Paul & HH the Dalai Lama

Gilbert, Daniel

Gladwell, Malcolm

Gladwell, Malcolm

Goleman, Daniel

Groopman, Jerome

Haidt, Johathan

Harris, Judith Rich

Hood, Bruce

Kahneman, Daniel

Pinker, Steven

Pinker, Steven

Surowiecki, James

Sutherland, Stuart

Tarvis, Carol & Aronson, Eliot

Thaler, Richard H.

Rogers, Carl & Buber, Martin

May, Rollo & Angel, Ernst (editors)

Whitaker, Robert

Pinker, Steven

Hollis, James

Lakoff, George

Lakoff, George

Dyer, Wayne

Becker, Ernest

James, William

Metzinger, Thomas

Real, Terrence

Real, Terrence

Dawkins, Richard

Ehrman, Bart

Ehrman, Bart

Ehrman, Bart

Ehrman, Bart

Ehrman, Bart

Ehrman, Bart

Eliade, Mircea

de Botton, Alain

Harris, Sam

Harris, Sam

Harris, Sam

Hitchens, Christopher

Hitchens, Peter

Wilson, Douglas

Loehr, Davidson

Carrol, Sean

Darwin, Charles

Aczel, Amir

Aczel, Amir

Ananthaswamy, Anil

Bodanis, David

Einstein, Albert

Gilder, Louise

Greene, Brian

Krauss, Lawrence M.

Lindley, David

Seife, Charles

Seife, Charles

Bradbury, Ray

Card, Orson Scott

Heinlein, Robert

Herbert, Frank

Mitchell, David

Morell, David

Beck, Don

Feynman, Richard

Gladwell, Malcolm

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